
Kim is great to talk to and non-judgmental. She is there for the client and is a wonderful support on a clients journey to achieve whatever the client is wanting to achieve. Her outpatient programs are top notch with a fantastic staff that is so welcoming, motivational, and helpful. She shows compassion, empathy, kindness, tons of knowledge, and personality. I highly recommend Dr. Kim Benson!

Eric W

I came to Dr. Benson in complete desperation.  I had participated in many forms of therapy for 20 plus years will little to no improvement with my emotional struggles.  A majority of my therapy had been the good ole fashion CBT treatment, read a book, educate yourself, exercise blah blah blah.  None of that work hit the core issues of what was causing such emotional distress.  I have spent more than half my life running from myself and escaping thoughts of suicide.  After now having been in intensive psychotherapy for over 2 years now, diligently working on my family or origin issues, addressing childhood trauma and engaging in inner child work I have experienced the freedom I have been seeking for more than half my life.  I do not run from myself anymore as a result of the work I have done.  Dr. Benson's commitment to understanding treatment approaches, theory and the mind is a direct result of my healing process.  I have certainly done the work to aid in my healing but it takes a committed therapist who truly wants to help others be able to aid and support others in their healing.  I will be forever grateful that Dr. Benson could sit with me in my pain, not dazzle with solutions to get me out of it, but to help be in it, finally feel, understand it, and move through it.

Anonymous Professional

Dr. Benson and her team of therapists are highly trained professionals and clearly take time out of their lives to understand theory and clinical skills to help others.  My husband and I came to Dr. Benson's practice nearly over a year ago.  I was sure we were on the brink of divorce if not already there.  Through commitment as well as the knowledge and support provided by our therapists, my husband and I were able to work through our issues.  We discovered through help that we had spend the last 10 years of our marriage living based on assumptions about one another and our relationship.  That ultimately lead to resentment and distance between the two of us.  We are both on the road to healing and are connecting again in ways we never new were possible.  Thank you to this wonderful staff of therapists for providing a space, knowledge and education that allowed my husband and I room to heal and discover one another.

Cheri P.

I came to Dr. Benson because I was at the end of my will to live.  Dr. Benson assisted me in understanding that my current struggles were stemming from unresolved childhood trauma that I have ran from and refused to accept was affecting me.  I talked about my past as though it had happened to someone else.  My work with her has allowed me to walk through my chronic traumatic childhood, debunk old messages and rules that I had learned as a child and had been looking through that childhood lens as an adult.  As a result of my work, I feel more connected to myself, my mind is free, my relationships have begun to improve because I am looking at myself instead of pointing the finger at everyone else in my life.  The work I have done has saved my own life!  Thank you Dr. Benson


Dr. Kimberly Benson is the Clinical Director of the Intensive Out-Patient Substance Abuse Program that we offer in Sarasota County. She demonstrates compassion, empathy and an in depth understanding of the origins of addiction that assists our clients in obtaining not just abstinence from addiction, but long term psychological freedom from active addiction.

Sarasota Addiction Specialists

Dr. Kimberly Benson offers top of the line psychotherapy and counseling services in Sarasota, Florida. She is the supervisor of our therapists here at MindSol Wellness Center. It is her passion to ensure our therapists receive the training and support necessary to help our community!

MindSol Wellness Center

When you become a patient of Dr. Benson’s you don’t just get a place in her schedule, you get a place in her consciousness. She thinks of her patients between each session. Constantly considering the difficulties they are facing in their lives. She checks in with me often and encourages me to reach out to her. She is willing to put forth as much time and energy as need be. All she asks form her patients in return is the same level of commitment.  

Before meeting Dr. Benson I was tackling life alone. My parents and friends could not understand “what was going on with me” well enough to support me. Dr. Benson’s expertise made me feel like someone finally understood what I was going through. For the first time, I found someone who had the knowledge and patience to help me. She is quick to remind me that we are a team, and while I am the one who is experiencing my life, she is there to help me process it. Shortly into my treatment, I started to see my true potential and began developing the confidence to harness it. I was able to leave a career that I had felt trapped in for fifteen years. Working with Dr. Benson is the best thing I do for myself. She has changed my life for the better and I am deeply grateful to be a patient of hers.


I came to Dr. Benson as a professional Athlete that was struggling with an eating disorder and severe depression.  I have been in treatment with Dr. Benson for over a year now and my life has radically improved as a result of my treatment with her.  Dr. Benson's approach forces you to look within and understand long standing psychodynamics that were built in at a young age that are currently causing problems in your daily life.  I was at the brink of death when I met her and today, I am happy to say, my life force has kicked in and I am embracing life like I never imagined I could.

Christina H.

I have been through several therapists in the past two decades. Give or take. I started seeing Dr. Benson a little over a yr. ago. I never thought that t would find someone that understood me, my struggles and my dual diagnosis.

Dr. Benson has walked me through many ups and downs in the past yr. Looking back, I don't know how I did this thing called life before coming to her. Dr. Benson listens without judgement, has understanding and empathy, all while giving me refreshing perspectives and pushes me to be better than I was yesterday. I've had the pleasure of not only working with Dr. Benson but her incredible team as well.

I am beyond blessed to have this opportunity to be under the care of Dr. Benson who continues to give me valuable insight about myself and manages to give me tools to help me shine through any storm that comes my way. For that, I am forever grateful.

Melissa F.

Dr. Kim Benson has been the most influential "teacher of life" I have ever had.  Not possible to put into the framework of words all that she has done to guide me.  Dr. Kim has been my therapist for nearly 10 years.  She has helped me get through some of the biggest life storms, jump over life's greatest hurdles and has helped me celebrate and honor some of my milestone accomplishments. I know that much of who I am today and who I aspire to become was done and will be done with Kim by my side.  I am grateful for God opening up my mind to seek "Life" help and grateful for the willingness to continue to do so. 
Thank you Kim.  

This is, hands down, the best addiction treatment center in the Sarasota/Bradenton/Venice area.  Cole, Dave, and Dr. Benson comprise the most knowledgeable and committed treatment team that I have ever had the pleasure of working with.  Their attention to and care for their clients is evident every step of the way.  Their passion for recovery is unmatched.  They truly go above and beyond the call of duty for all those seeking recovery.  Absolutely top notch; I cannot overstate my appreciation and gratitude for the level of care that I've received from SAS.

Joshua I.

I first met Dr. Benson over 15 years ago when she was a graduate student at Argosy University, and I was on the faculty in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Benson received her master’s degree in clinical Mental Health Counseling, and her doctorate in Counseling Psychology. I also was Chair of her doctoral dissertation.

Dr, Benson was a talented student, and it was a real pleasure to be part of her growth and development. She came to the university with a strong background in art. She graduated from the Ringling School of Art and was an adjunct professor at this renown school of art for over a decade.  She is a talented and creative artist, as well as an excellent therapist. She has combined her talents and provides her clients with a remarkable approach to therapy which utilizes expressive arts therapy if appropriate. She has demonstrated that she is not only a very talented and creative artist, but also that she brings this creativity into her therapeutic work with clients.

Regarding Dr. Benson’s dissertation research, I had the honor and privilege of working with her on an amazing project. Her dissertation research involved working with a group of adolescent females in a remote African village. She traveled to Africa and spent several weeks involved in a hands-on research study that she designed and carried out. She utilized a qualitative research design, and expressive arts interventions, to explore personal psychological factors of a small group of adolescent females who lived in a remote rural village in Africa. She also engaged some of the parents of these adolescent females in her research. Her study remains one of the most intriguing and memorable dissertations that I have had the pleasure to be involved with. As long as I have known her, Dr. Benson has always been on a journey of self-exploration and self-discovery. Her pursuit of self-awareness and self-understanding is always an important aspect of her life.

Dr. J. Reynolds

Never have I seen the dedication and commitment as well as the professionalism and knowledge that Dr. Benson exemplifies. She has been the lead therapist in a team of professionals working to assist my son. I have the utmost respect as well as admiration for her. I would not hesitate to recommend her.

Mimi C.


The Sarasota Addiction specialists team is an amazing group of genuine, understanding, compassionate and most importantly, realistic specialists in addiction. They have turned their hardships into a gift in which they use to help others. I felt loved and supported not only during my 10 weeks in this program but ever since graduating the program. These people are people that you will never want to leave. I, as an addict highly recommend this program for anyone who is struggling with addiction. I rediscovered myself as well as the root of my issues well surrounded with beautiful souls. Thanks to this program I am continuously growing and blooming into the best individual I can be. Much love always for this team.

Megan L.


Here's my first and strongest recommendation for local addiction help for your daughter.  Kim is a dear, soothing presence and though I've not been to her professionally, I know plenty of folds who have and they think highly of her.  Kim and her partners bring forty years of professional experience to the addiction community.

Pat P.


When I started working with Dr. Benson I had already been in recovery for a few years when I started working with her.  I needed guidance in a few areas in my life.  Between being a single working mom and lacking in self worth.  Dr. Benson has helped shape me into the woman I am today.  Both of my daughters are doing wonderful and I am currently enrolling in school.  I would not have made the decision to go back to school if it were not for her guidance.  I am forever grateful that I have the opportunity to work with Dr. Benson.  I am becoming the best version of myself and I owe it all to her!

Mary T.


Dr. Benson is caring and knowledgeable.  If I hadn't moved away I would have stayed with her.  Being the child of an addict she helped me understand the affliction and what its effects had on the world around me.  I cannot recommend her enough.

Megan K.


Competent, caring and well trained treatment professionals.  Balanced teamwork and informed flexibility.  A rare find in today's treatment culture.  These clinicians practice with integrity, heart and have extensive, appropriate knowledge base required in facilitating a return to health for people caught in the nightmare of addiction.  Highly Recommend.

Patti T


Dr. Kimberly Benson helped me through the darkest days of my life.  Her knowledge and compassion saved my life.



Dr. Kimberly Benson has had a passionate heart for helping others along their journey towards wellness for many years. She has volunteered her time and her materials to work with many in recovery from their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Her Clay in the Dark workshop is incredible. I got to experience it first hand. The beauty of this workshop was that many of us in rehab felt special, cared for, and relieved afterwards.

Kelly B.


Dr. Kimberly Benson has been the most instrumental part of my recovery. After years of struggling with my anger and rage, I am free. It hasn't been an easy road however Dr. Benson had complete confidence in my recovery plan and techniques that have been priceless. I use to blame others for my own decisions and reek havoc in every relationship I've ever had. After having sessions with Dr. Benson I have found new coping skills, insight and the knowledge for emotional maturity that has saved my marriage. I can't say enough about the freedom my husband and and I are experiencing after I was able to take a hard look at myself and do the work necessary that was required by Dr. Benson. I highly recommend anyone who has struggled with addiction, emotional immaturity, marriage issues or life skills in general. Thank you so much Dr. Benson and see you next month.

Melissa O.


Sarasota Addiction Specialists provides top of the line treatment for drug and alcohol problems. Their staff is highly trained, empathetic and committed to helping people grow and heal from addiction. I was not a direct patient but a family member of mine was. The help they gave my family member is priceless because it gave me the gift of having a relationship with my loved one instead of losing them to the disease of addiction. I am forever grateful to this program and their staff!

Matthew S.


Absolutely loved her for my kids. They opened up to her unlike any other therapist and she gave them the skills and tools they still use today. They adored her and she’s great with teens!

Barb J.


I loved working with Kimberly a few years ago on a special expressive arts therapy project with rural teenagers in Kenya. The impact she had on the girls and me was astounding. She is Professional, compassionate and a generally wonderful person.

Jedida O.


Kimberly is one of the most compassionate and professional therapists that I have seen in the counseling profession. Being a Licensed Mental Health Professional myself, for over 30+ years, it is rare to find someone who has the clinical skills that match her skills of compassion. I would highly recommend her for most any issue. I have in fact referred many of my clients to her, now that I have retired from the profession.

Clark W.


Dr. Benson has been my dr for over a year and I absolutely love her! She is the only Dr that I have ever been comfortable opening up to. Shes professional, punctual (and tolerates my inability to be the same), and open minded. I have enjoyed my time with Dr. Benson and will continue to grow and heal with the help and positive encouragement of my doctor.

Jodi J.


Dr. Benson has been a tremendous help to me and my children! She has guided us through some difficult times and always willing to be there when we need her! I always feel like I can call her anytime of the day for guidance!

 Pamela M.


Dr. Benson is an amazing healer. She has helped me so much with my PTSD, anxiety, depression and helped me see not just my life but all of life in an eye opening heart felt way. I recommend her to all.

Chad W.

I have known Dr. Benson for 20 years first as graduate student at Argosy University where I was a faculty member in both her Master’s and Doctoral programs and then as her academic adviser and co-chair of her doctoral dissertation committee.


Dr. Benson was a bright, highly motivated and uniquely talented counseling student. She came to the university with a strong background in fine arts – she currently applies this artistic creativity to her work as a therapist via expressive arts. She is well known and respected in the community.


I had the great honor of collaborating with Dr. Benson on her doctoral dissertation. Her research involved working with a group of adolescent females in a remote African village. Her dissertation defense involved the use of multi-media and was quite a profound and memorable experience. 

Dr. Benson’s pursuit of self-awareness, self-understanding and self-improvement is a fundamental part of who she is. I highly recommend Dr. Benson

Dr. M. Dubi


Dr Kimberly Benson




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